This Love Rose Pillow design will allow you to make a 12x16 pillow almost completely done in the hoop. The pillow's center background is meander quilted and the sides are pieced onto the center.
The back has a Velcro closure, also stitched while in the hoop. The Velcro closure has been calculated for you. Just follow the instructions for a perfect travel-sized pillow. The side seams are sewn on the sewing machine. Thorough instructions with many photos will guide you through the process.
Your download includes the pillow front design with and without the center hearts. This enables you to insert a name or date with a 3/4 inch font.
Also included is the pillow front without design for you to add any design of your choosing. These make excellent monogrammed pillows as well.
No extra font is included. Displayed is the Tiny Rosebud Alphabet, sold separately.
Artwork from diddybag.com
Stitch count: 2,279 - 22,683
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